Eight cities, in Austria
and Switzerland, play host to the 2008 European
Football Championships.

Salzburg sits right on the border with Germany and if you're
driving from Zurich to Vienna you may even find it quicker to drive around Munich than
going through Voralberg.
Staying in Salzburg
in Salzburg - Budget
Accommodation in Salzburg.
Stadion Wals-Siezenheim (home of Red Bull Salzburg) stages the Euro
2008 games in Salzburg.
The stadium is located in Wals-Siezenheim, just outside of Salzburg
and close to Salzburg Airport. Bus #1 goes to the stadium from the station or you could
take trams 1, 20, or 28.
Tuesday, 10th June
Group D: Greece vs Sweden (0:2)
Saturday, 14th June
Group D: Greece vs Russia (0:1)
Wednesday, 18th June
Group D: Greece vs Spain (1:2)