- The Online Guide to Travel Three Letter IATA Airport Codes - X

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World Airports and Airport Codes

Jump to 3 Letter IATA Airport Codes Beginning With
| XA | XB | XC | XD | XE | XF | XG | XI | XK | XL | XM |
| XN | XP | XQ | XR | XS | XT | XU | XV | XW | XX | XY | XZ |

Three Letter IATA Airport Codes

XAL - Alamos, Mexico
XAP - Chapeco, SC, Brazil
XAR - Aribinda, Burkina Faso
XAS - Brevoort, NT, Canada
XAU - Saul, French Guyana
XAY - Xayabury, Laos.

XBB - Blubber Bay, BC, Canada
XBE - Bearskin Lake, ON, Canada
XBG - Bogande, Burkina Faso
XBJ - Birjand, Iran
XBL - Buno Bedelle, Ethiopia
XBN - Biniguni, Papua New Guinea
XBO - Boulsa, Burkina Faso
XBR - Brockville, ON, Canada
XBW - Killiniq (Killinek) Island, NT, Canada.

XCH - Christmas Island, Australia.
XCL - Cluff Lake, SK, Canada
XCM - Chatham, ON, Canada
XCN - Busuanga, Philippines
XCO - Colac, Victoria, Australia.

XDE - Diebougou, Burkina Faso
XDJ - Djibo, Burkina Faso.

XEN - Xingcheng, China
XES - Lake Geneva (Aire Estates Airport), WI, USA.

XFN - Xiangfan, China
XFW - Hamburg (Finkerwerden), Germany.

XGA - Gaoua, Burkina Faso
XGD - Dnata, United Arab Emirates
XGG - Gorom Gorom, Burkina Faso
XGL - Granville Lake, MB, Canada
XGN - Xangongo, Angola
XGR - Kangiqsualujjuaq, QC, Canada.

XIC - Xichang, China
XIE - Xienglom, Laos
XIG - Xinguara, Brazil
XIL - Xilinhot, China
XIN - Xingning, China
XIY - Xian Xianyang, China.

XKA - Kantchari, Burkina Faso
XKH - Xieng Khouang, Laos
XKS - Kasabonika, ON, Canada
XKY - Kaya, Burkina Faso.

XLA - Little America, UT, USA
XLB - Lac Brochet, MB, Canada
XLK - Lakenheath, United Kingdom
XLO - Long Xuyen, Vietnam
XLS - Saint Louis, Senegal
XLU - Leo, Burkina Faso
XLW - Bremen (Lemwerder), Germany.

XMA - Xiamen (Amoy), China
XMC - Mallacoota, Victoria, Australia
XMD - Madison, SD, USA
XMG - Mahendranagar, Nepal
XMH - Manihi, French Polynesia.
XMI - Masasi, Tanzania
XML - Minalton, South Australia, Australia
XMN - Xiamen, China
XMP - MacMillan Pass, YT, Canada
XMQ - Simmons, MI, USA
XMR - Cocoa Beach (Cape Canaveral), Florida, USA.
XMS - Macas, Ecuador
XMY - Yam Island, Queensland, Australia.

XNG - Quang Ngai, Vietnam
XNN - Xining, China
XNO - North (Air Force Auxiliary Airport), SC, USA
XNT - Xingtai, China
XNU - Nounae, Burkina Faso.

XPA - Pama, Burkina Faso
XPI - Pikangikum, ON, Canada
XPK - Pukatawagan, MB, Canada
XPL - Comayagua, Honduras
XPP - Poplar River, MB, Canada
XPR - Pine Ridge, SD, USA
XPU - West Kuparuk, AK, USA.

XQP - Quepos, Costa Rica
XQU - Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada.

XRR - Ross River, YT, Canada
XRY - Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.

XSB - St. Malo, France.
XSC - South Caicos Is., Turks & Caicos.
XSE - Sebba, Burkina Faso
XSI - South Indian Lake, MB, Canada
XSM - St. Mary's, MD, USA
XSP - Singapore (Seletar), Singapore.
XSU - Tonopah, NV, USA
XTG - Thargomindah, Queensland, Australia
XTL - Tadoule Lake, MB, Canada
XTO - Taroom, Queensland, Australia
XTR - Tara, Queensland, Australia.

XUZ - Xuzhou, China
XVI - Virgin Islands (Seaplane Base), U.S. Virgin Islands.
XVL - Vinh Long, Vietnam.

XWD - Emmen, Switzerland
XWG - Khalid Military City, Saudi Arabia
XWM - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
XWP - Al Kharj Air Base, Saudi Arabia
XWQ - Iwakuni, Honshu Is., Japan.

XXB - Manchester (Woodford), England, United Kingdom.

XYA - Yandina, Russel Is., Solomon Islands.
XYE - Ye, Myanmar.

XZA - Zabre, Burkina Faso.

Airport Codes

Three Letter IATA Airport Codes.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Airport Codes - Sorted by Destination

| A-B | C-E | F-I | J-M | N-R | S-U | V-Z |

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