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We like Stelios' style, his unashamed love of self-promotion (often made easier by his
mega-rich rivals crying to the courts when they feel that their extortionate profits could
take a dive), and most of all.... his service to the public - by saving them money. Lot's
of money.
Historic Hotels of
Owned by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Historic Hotels of America (HHA)
was established in 1989 to 'identify quality hotels that have faithfully maintained their
historic integrity, architecture and ambience'.
Lexic Orient:
There's in depth travel guides to Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia and
Sudan - with so many small places indexed it's almost unbelievable.
du Mont Blanc:
While a lot of websites insist on using a pointless Flash intro, most of them can be
skipped quickly. There is no skip option at Pays du Mont Blanc but they do offer French
and English versions.
Formerly known as Rec.Travel Library, Brian Lucas' collection of hosted travelogues and
links to traveller's tales had been a bookmark of mine, since 1998.
Hotels of the World:
It's always a pleasure finding something unique online and this is one of those sites that
need to be shared around, especially if you like staying somewhere different; in a hotel
that is special - unique even.
Weather 2 Travel:
Rather than show the current weather, this site uses a nice graphic approach to presenting
yearly averages for just about anywhere in the world - not just the popular tourist
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