- The Online Guide to Travel Grasslands to Terracotta - Chapter Seven of Nomadic Gatherings

Nomadic Gatherings by Michel Guntern

Inner Mongolia, China
Inner Mongolia, China by Irina Iriser on Unsplash.

Nomadic Gatherings: Chapter Seven: Grasslands to Terracotta.

Travel Writers - Writing About Travel

Posing For Tourists and Digging For Gold.

With temperatures that drop below -35 degrees Celsius and stay around -20 on a good day in the winter, it is a hard existence for the people of Inner Mongolia, and unfortunately many are giving up their nomadic way of life to pose for tourists or prospect for gold.

Next 1. To Hohhot:
I shared the hard-sleeper section to Hohhot with two female nurses; a Hong Kong Chinese girl on a two year world-tour; and a friend of hers from Beijing.

Nomadic Gatherings
Nomadic Gatherings - by Michel Guntern.

Nomadic Gatherings available on Kindle

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NextChapter 8: Central China.
Nomadic Gatherings available on Kindle