- The Online Guide to Travel Hong Kong - Between Old Trams and Modern Financial Offices

Nomadic Gatherings by Michel Guntern

Star Ferry, Hong Kong
Star Ferry, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong by Big Dodzy on Unsplash.

Nomadic Gatherings: Chapter Four: Colonial Gateway - Around Hong Kong.

Travel Writers - Writing About Travel

Between the modern financial offices of Central Hong Kong, old trams still trundled along Des Voeux Road, and peddlers tinkled bicycle bells almost unaware of the diesel-fuelled double-decker buses behind them.

No-one stood still for a moment, it seemed that until 1997, at least, there would continue to be a New York edge to 'making-it'. Some ambitious construction projects were well under way on the island; one advertised the future occupancy of The Bank of China.

The stock exchange may occasionally falter, but nothing appeared bearish in Hong Kong. Even the Chinese working on the Star Ferry wore gleaming yellow chains and chunky wrist watches to say that they had 'made it' in Hong Kong.

The floating restaurants were still an attraction at Aberdeen, although many of the Sampan dwellers had been re-located. The women that have remained approached tourists to offer them half-hour tours around the remaining house-boats, some of them gleaming white yachts.

On the quayside, restaurant owners and old ladies haggled for the best price that fishermen with a fresh catch would offer. The decks were hosed with water, and the fish-tanks topped up.

Nomadic Gatherings
Nomadic Gatherings - by Michel Guntern.

Nomadic Gatherings available on Kindle

NextTurn The Page: People's Republic of China.

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