The Second Round:


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After the party atmosphere of the first round matches in Orlando, a choice has to be made between the second round knockouts. Now that the teams have been confirmed, who plays who, and where, can be taken into account, together with who might play who in the quarter-finals...

The Dallas second round game, and then a quarter-final in San Francisco would make more sense regarding travelling distances on the circuit, but the second round pairing between Brazil and Team USA on July 4th, looks too good to miss. The Dallas option of Sweden vs. Saudi Arabia doesn't have the same sense of occasion.

World Cup Venues

The winners of the second round in Dallas meet the winners of the LA second round for the quarter-final in San Francisco, while the winners of the second round in San Francisco play the victors of the Orlando challenge, in the the Dallas quarter-final. This in turn makes the Dallas quarter-final the more attractive possibility: (Holland or Ireland) vs. (Brazil or USA).

More To Come.

US Index.

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