To Travel is To Live:
Hitch-hiking through Europe.


Magun's Compass
Learn from the Travel Experiences of Others


The United Kingdom

For two teenagers living on the English Isle, and bored with the prospect of a life suit and tied to an office nine to five, and the large liquid lunches that accompany it, a tour of Europe seemed to offer them the adventure of literary boyhood.

In that hot summer, they left at their nest two tearful mothers.

With all their clothes packed neatly on their backs, the young lads set off for experiences new.

The large white vessel waited patiently,
as they dipped into their money-belts
to produce passports and rights of passage.

The boat is waiting..... copyright Michel Guntern

Foreigners all around them spoke in Scandinavian languages
that the Comprehensive system had not fore thought to teach them.

To retreat from the strangeness, a log was recorded daily, but the day and date does not read too well; even though Dervla Murphy used it successfully in her Andean Adventure and others.

Everything was new to the boys, so dated entries were hastily written in snatched moments, while waiting for rides.

Later in life, the day and date would not seem as relevant as the continuity of the journey. The object was to hitch-hike from Scandinavia to the South of France.

[An Introduction]

[On The Boat to Scandinavia]

Europe Index.

Nomadic Gatherings - Travels in Asia and Australia

Travel on trains and buses in Asia, then jump into cars with complete strangers in Australia and New Zealand as Michel introduces you to a collection of characters that bring Nomadic Gatherings to life.

If you can't afford to buy a copy of Nomadic Gatherings, the chapters are slowly being made available online - for free.

You may even decide that it really is worth having a hard copy in your hands; a useful read for those long bus journeys being written about, and for endless waits at ferry ports.

Nomadic Gatherings - Online Chapters.

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Magun's Compass