Arrival in Esbjerg,
the largest fishing port in Denmark.


Magun's Compass
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Diary entry on landing in Denmark

With rucksacks on their backs, the boys had hands free to study the map and walk with upturned thumbs, but most of the disembarking vehicles seemed full, or locally bound.

Dorter, the Danish dream, was already settled on her train to Copenhagen.

The 'Fish-City' boys were probably seated in the finest dockside lager house.

"That looks like a supermarket to me,
Danny. Let's stock up. At this rate we could
be on the road for ages!
" Andrew had a point.


Sparingly, they purchased their first humble provisions of bread, milk, and bananas. On the road there can be no such luxuries as butter.

On the outskirts of town, they put their bags down at the side of the road, and waited. The sun was already warm -- tempting the pasty pair to expose their torsos to its tanning rays; in preparation for the stronger sun to come.

Perhaps the sight of two half-naked foreigners at the roadside, begging for lifts, was considered offensive, or even repulsive, in civilized Jutland.

They were still without their first ride.

Eventually, three hippies in an old, orange VW camper pulled over. They had spent some time hitch-hiking in West Germany themselves, and knew the score.


Old hitchers have a code of the road, and these ones proved it. They were heading east, to Kolding.

VW camper to Kolding

After England, this land seemed so open, flat, green, and remarkably clean.

It is well known that the cars drive on the right, but not every new pedestrian to the country is prepared for the cycle lanes that seem like pavements. The danger is that mopeds use them too.

The cyclists in Denmark may be safe from motorists, but Pedestrians: Beware of the Bike!

[On The Boat to Scandinavia]

[From Kolding]

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