Hong Kong:


Magun's Compass
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Hong Kong, in the black of night, a gleaming liner lies at anchor: whiter and brighter, with all its lights, than the full moon above it; a true Princess of the sea.


Cruise Liner, by Michel Guntern.



To look at such a vessel, so majestic in the harbour, focuses the mind, concentrates ones thoughts, and then spins the imagination.

Where had it been? Where was it going?
And what about all the people drawn together upon it.

he South China Sea, and the Fragrant Harbour, are names that many romanticise about: tradewinds and pirates, and the gateway to the land of a billion people.

The Noon Day Gun.The British have gone, and with them the noon-day gun tradition, but Hong Kong has always been very Chinese, and the best place to get visas for the People's Republic.

It is only a short train ride into China proper.



[In To China]

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